
My being a fan of theatre I was super keen to see at least one West End play. And I was even more keen to see a play with on-screen actors because it would be cool to see if they could actually act. There are no fancy camera angles, clever editing, special effects or making mistakes.

So we booked tickets to go see Love Song with Cillian Murphy, Neve Campbell, Kristen Johnston and Michael McKean last night.

Unfortunately, Kristen Johnston was "indisposed", whatever the hell that means, and her understudy took over her role. The play itself was quite good, with Cillian Murphy & Michael McKean being really really good on stage but the treat of the evening came after the play ended. We went outside and the cast were coming out the backstage door and agreed to sign some autographs. So we got to meet Cillian Murphy and Neve Campbell and I got their pawprints on my play program!!!!!!!

Thanks to my stupid bladder, I had missed McKean but thank goodness the other guys hung around!! I have to say that Cillian is very polite, very nice and friendly and patiently grinning at us kooks and answering our daft questions and making an effort to respond to any comments he recieved. I was really impressed. After he was done signing he politely asked to be excused to go home and walked off down the street.
Miss Campbell wasnt anywhere near as friendly, which was a bit of a disappointment, and made the time to growl a bit at one person before she ducked into her cab. Maybe she had a rough day. But I got her pawprint anyway so I should just be grateful and shut up.

Unrelated sidenote: we also finally made it to Forbidden Planet prior to the play and cleaned the store and our wallets out. Those bastards know all of my weaknesses.

PPS: I can't sleep.

1 Sneezes:

Dante said...

you met the scarecrow? thats freaking awesome. I am so jealous right now.